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sarah minor


Selected Print

"Little Rattle Stilt" Fairy Tale Review The Gold Issue, 2021 

"Vide" and "Log Cabin Quilt" were selected for Best American Experimental Writing 2019.

"The Crow in Effigy: A Flip Book" The Cincinnati Review 15.2. 

"Something Clear," selected by Laura van den Berg as the winner of the 2018 Barthelme Prize in Short Prose, is forthcoming from Gulf Coast.

"Mississippi Pearl: A History of the Interior," Passages North, Spring 2017.

"Signal, Arizona," Mid-American Review in Spring 2017.

"A Knot/a Lean," The Normal School in Fall 2016.

"Nest" was awarded first place in Hotel America's Transgenre Writing Contest and was published in Fall 2016.

"Static," [PANK]'s final print issue, Fall 2014.

"Into the Limen: Where an Old Squirrel Goes to Die," Black Warrior Review with accompanying interview, Fall 2014.

“Handling the Beast,"  Conjunctions 61: A Menagerie, Winter 2013.


⌂ Selected  Online

"The Mooneyeds" New Ohio Review Winter Exclusive, December 2020.

"My Friends" Complete Sentence, August 2020.

"Foul Chutes: On Reading the Archive Downriver" appeared as a "Special Feature" at Ninth Letter Online, October 2018.

"Handling the Beast,"  Proximity Issue 18: Endangered.

"A Log Cabin Quilt," Diagram 18.2.

"The Hidden History of the Laundry Chute," appeared in the Object Lessons series from The Atlantic in March 2017 and was later featured by Longreads.

"The Chain of Eating," BOAAT, April 2016.

"The New Age Below Ground," Territory, Spring 2016.

The Persistence of the Bonyleg: Annotated, a hybrid digital chapbook, won the Essay Press Chapbook Contest and was published by Essay Press in Spring 2016.

"Stroud's Legend, Again," Construction, Spring 2015.

“A Cross-Sectional Analysis," Seneca Review Beyond Category, Spring 2013-2014.


⌂ Critical Writing + Reviews

"Threaded forms: On Decentered Approaches to Nonfiction" appeared in Creative Nonfiction in July 2017 and was later featured at LitHub.

Review of Quintan Ana Wikswo's The Hope of Floating Has Carried Us This Far in Diagram 15.4

Review of Rebecca Solnit's Unfathomable City in Diagram 15.2.

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