visual essay installations

Suspended House Structure

self with dissected arm projection.

projection detail. pictured: Mike.

Suspended House Structure
"A Cross-Sectional Analysis: Slides and Lecture Notes."
Linen, rope, chain, duct tape, projections. Text and images paired according to a random loop and projected onto the walls of a suspended linen house structure.
"Beasts of the Interior," an installation of three visual texts at the Ohio University Galleries, Athens, Ohio, March 2019

"Slim Confessions"
An interactive text about digital media and intimacy
Poplar boards, plastic terrarium, vintage roladex, bath mats, toy slime, microphone, headphones

"Log Cabin Quilt"
A kinetic text-ile
Vinyl, linoleum flooring, vintage formica table, cotton, birch, white pedestal, thread, wooden dowel

"Foul Chutes"
A suspended panorama
Bond paper, fishing line, metal clips, vintage pitcher and basin, water sourced from the Mississippi River
Site Specific and Performance Work

"Nest" at Kenyon College

"Foul Chutes" installed at Alden Library on a crankie

"Home With River Animals," a literary installation at the University of Arizona History Museum, Tucson, Arizona, 2013

"Into the Limen: Where an Old Squirrel Goes to Die."
Diazo blueprints, light table, glass bottles, photographs, shotgun shells.
"The Persistence of the Bonyleg."
Butcher paper, watercolor paper, foam board, rope, duct tape.

"A Cross Sectional Analysis"
White canvas, wooden dowels, duct tape, rope, digital projections.

MFA Thesis in clamshell Box
Book board, book cloth, glue, paper.
A handcrafted clamshell box fitted with compartments to hold ten visual essays: Three scrolls, two electronic documents, two blueprints, three booklets.
Special thanks to Phil Zimmerman for assistance.