Elsewhere known as the graphic narrative, video essay, concrete poem, typographic tale, artist's book, public art text, prose graffiti, docu-poem, erasure, fluxus kit, illuminated manuscript, text-ile, illustrated encyclopedia, text collage, poetry-comic, cantastoria, cranky, etc., visual writing is not a new practice, but one with many names that span disciplines. This page features an expanding list of makers and works that combine image + text across genres and media, and the venues that seek to feature them. These resources are gathered for the purpose of dissemination, collaboration, and web-making.
Note: This year the visual writing resources list is moving away from featuring individual makers and working instead to feature specific works and venues. We are in the process of making the list searchable by category, such as "video," "erasure," "interactive," or "textile". Check back soon....
a visual writing resource list

Arcade Fire. The Wilderness Downtown.
Abel, Jordan, Injun.
Akhtar, Sascha Aurora , Not Been Seen As Such, Icefloe Press.
Amezcua, Eloisa, several Concrete Poems.
Astronomical and Astrological Treatises, 16thc (volvelles and charts)
Bantjes, Marian. I Wonder. Interview at Essay Daily.
Bates, Gabrielle, Poetry Comics and Visual Reviews.
Bervin, Jen. Projects like The Gorgeous Nothings Edition and The Dickinson Composite Series
Bashir, Samiya, Field Theories.
Beaulieu, Derek, Aperture, Pentaract Press
Bertram, Lillian-Yvonne. Travesty Generator, Noemi Press
Bird, Amelia R. Walden Marginalia.
Biondolillo, Chelsea. "On Shells.", The Skinned Bird
The Black Box Poetry Magazine on Casette
Borsuk, Amaranth. Between Page and Screen.
Browning, Annah, Ben Gemmel, and Brooke Wonders,
Bui, Thi, "Fear is a Great Motivator for Political Action," The Nib, History as Art, Art as History.
Campbell, Allison, Encyclopédie of the Common & Encompassing
Carson, Anne, Bianca Stone, and Robert Currie. Antigonick.
Carroll, Tobias. "On the Future of the American Essay, How Film and Poetry are Changing the Form--And Vice Versa."
Celt, Adrianne, poetry comics.
Chakaroborty, Sumita, three concrete poems.
Charles, Jos, feeld.
Chen, Julie and Flying Fish Press.
Cheng, Jennifer S. Invocation, New Michigan Press.
Choi, Don Mee, poet and visual artist.
Collins, Katie. "The Materiality of Resarch: Woven into the Fabric of the Text: Subversive Material Metaphors in Academic Writing."
Crowe, Stephen. Wake in Progress.
The Diagram, journal of text and art.
Didden, Katy, "The Lava on Iceland".
Dodoson, Zach. "The Fox"
Dozal, Gabriel, "The Crosser's are Plural" and other works.
Drucker, Johannna. The Visible Word.
Earl, Amanda, Amanda Luvz Vispo , The Book of Mark
Ehling, Mark, Poetry Comics.
Entre Ríos Books, collaborations between writers and visual artists.
Fletcher, Hattie. On Amaris Ketcham's "Recorded Lightning."
Fowler, SJ, artist and visual poet.
Fujimoto Naoko, Trans. Sensory, Tupelo Press.
Gelman, Annelyse, The Center
Gillard, Briony. An Exploration of Verbivocovisual Borders and Margins.
Gladman, Renee, Prose Architectures, Calamities, and other works.
Hak Kyung Cha, Theresa, Dictee, The Dream of the Audience, among other works
Hannigan, Catie, What Once Was There Is the Most Beautiful Thing, New Michigan Press.
Haworth, Kevin, The Comics of Rutu Modan: War, Love, and Secrets.
Hawkins, Paul aka Bob Modem. Poetry and visual arts.
Henderson, Gretchen. Galerie de Difformité. Interview at Essay Daily.
Herbert, George. "Easter Wings."
Hill, Craig and Nico Vassilakis, The Last Vispo Anthology: Visual Poetry 1998-2008
Hoffman, Ava, "Trap Poetics", Action Books.
Holten, Katie. About Trees.
Howe, Susan, Debths, concrete poems.
Hume, Christine, Question Like a Face.
Image Text, Interdisciplinary Comics Studies
Johns, Jasper, and Samuel Beckett. Fiorades/Fizzles.
Kaldron Magazine Online
Kearney, Douglas, “Freedom of Shadow: A Tribute to Terry Adkins,"
and many other works.
Kempton, Karl visual poetry
Ketcham, Amaris. “Recorded Lightning.”
Knight, James, visual poetry.
Lemay, Eric. "The Killer Bee." "Drive, he said."
Lima, Natalie, "Fat Girl Cries Herself to Sleep at Night," Longreads.
Long Soldier, Layli. Whereas, (including He Sápa), Star Quilt
Longhorn, Sandy, "The Aftermath," "Prospect of Opportunity"
Lopez, Alan Pelaez, Intergalactic Travels: poems from a fugitive alien, The Operating System
Luster, Deborah & C.D. Wright, One Big Self.
Maione, Nick, "The Giant, The Saint, The Magpie," TriQuarterly Video.
Meir, Victor H. Painting and Performance
Miller, Nora Claire. Poet / digital humanities.
Monson, Ander. "Design as Essay." "I've Been Thinking About Snow"
Morgan, Saretta, Plan Upon Arrival, Selva Oscura Press
Moore, Alyssa N., “When”/“i’m hysterical”/“i can’t stop thinking about”/“representations”
Moore, Dinty W. Mr. Plimpton's Revenge.
Moore, Maria Romasco, Ghostographs
Muellner, Nicholas. In Most Tides an Island.
Nordgren, Sarah Rose and Kathleen Kelley. “Territory.”
Ong, Monica, Silent Anatomies.
Parsons, Dustin, Exploded View.
Patchen, Kenneth, Painted Poems.
Papachristodoulou, Astra, Object Poems, "Labyrinth," and many more.
Paquette, Sophie, "House: A Sonnet: A Palinode," TriQuarterly Video.
Pleiades Press Visual Poetry Series
Poetry Foundation Editor's Prize for Visual Poetry (est 2019)
Randall, Jessy How to Tell If You Are Human.
Radtke, Kristen. "How the graphic novel became an outlet for female shame," The Guardian, "23 Female Cartoonists On Drawing Their Bodies."
Rankine, Claudia. Don't Let Me Be Lonely.
Ree, Silje. Artist and Poet.
Reed, Justin Phillip, Indecency.
Reufle, Mary. Erasures and Beyond Sunset.
Ross, Leslie, Language in the Visual Arts: The Interplay of Text and Image
Rowe, Sam. "Fantasies of Contact: Erica Baum, Susan Howe and the Poetics of Paper".
Roxas-Chua, Sam, Echolalia in Script.
Ryan, Sara. "Search For."
Safran Foer, Jonathan. Tree of Codes.
Sapigao, Janice Lobo, like a solid to a shadow, Nightboat Books.
Saporta, Mark. Composition No. 1.
Satrapi, Marjane. Persepolis.
Semonovich, Kascha, Essays and Work.
Shimoda, Brandon, The Grave on the Wall, and several other works
Smith, Jessica, "Women of Visual Poetry: An Introduction"
Sloat, S.J., Hotel Almighty.
Solnit, Rebecca. Atlas Series.
Spiegelman, Art. Maus: A Survivor’s Tale.
Stone, Bianca. Poetry Comics from the Book of Hours. Interview at Essay Daily.
Strom, Dao. Musician, poet, visual artist. Instrument (Fonograf Editions, 2020)
Synapse International, an international poetry gathering
Tamayo, Jennifer, video artist and poet.
Telling, Katy, "The Thrill."
Thirlwell, Adam. Kapow!
Ulmer, Spring, "Steel Trees," TriQuarterly Video.
Villarreal, Vanessa Angélica. Beast Meridian.
Voyant, a text analytics tool
Ware, Chris. Building Stories, Rusty Brown, among other works
Washuta, Elissa, concrete and visual poems.
Weinberg, Tali. Various embroidery projects.
White, Derek, Include Yourself in the Experiment, Diagram.
Wilks, Christine, Fitting the Pattern.
Wilson, Keith S. Game Design and Interactive Poems.
Winrock, Cori, "Variants on the Moon," Territory Lit.
Wixwo, Quintan Ana. "SONDERBAUTEN: Rape as War Crime."
Wong, Jane, Afer Preparing the Altar the Ghosts Feast Feverishly.
Young, Avery, Neck/Bone
Zwartjes, Arianne, Detailing Trauma
List of Other Lists
Map of Women and Gender Non-confirming Visual Poets
Vispo Publication List by Amanda Earl
The VWR list recognizes that the literary tradition of text-and-image has often been the practice of erasing these works from the canon. We acknowledge lists and list-making as forms of argument, of genre definition, of almanac, of keeping in and leaving out. Rather than completeness, this project strives for an ever-expanding push against the limits of genre, category, archive, and institution. We are interested in a people's list, not an academy's. Each recommendation to the list will be added within seven days. We encourage links to free and open sources. Entries will be limited to one line per maker or venue, with multiple works included. Please acknowledge or cite the list when appropriate. If you have feedback about the project, or about how the new search function labels individual works, please send a note using the above form.